Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way…

Coronavirus leads to surge in wills: ‘Everyone is thinking about their mortality’

We have had many enquiries from people wanting to update their wills but concerned about how this can be achieved in the present difficult restrictions we are all facing.

Rest assured we continue to operate and assist our clients even though our physical office is not open for visitors.

Whilst being in ‘lock down’ and complying with the requirements for social distancing is unsettling and challenging, there is no need for you to delay reviewing your estate planning.

Bedfords Legal has implemented a comprehensive range of facilities and strategies to allow us to continue to provide our estate planning services. 

These include having virtual face-to-face meetings by video link, providing you with draft documents by email which are followed up by a telephone or video review conference. 

We have additional strategies in place to ensure that your wills are signed correctly giving you the comfort of knowing that your new will is valid and reflective of your wishes.

We have found that videoconferences can be very successful particularly where a few simple checks are done in preparation for the video meeting:

  • download the Microsoft Teams application we prefer to use at:
  • set up your computer in a quiet place where you are unlikely to be disturbed for the period of conference (commonly up to one hour). We find mobile phones are not suitable for lengthy videoconferences. 
  • testing your audio and camera.
  • check the strength of your Internet signal.

Alternatively, we can have a telephone conference if you cannot facilitate a video meeting.

If you would like to make an appointment please get in touch by telephone or email and we would be pleased to assist you.  We look forward to seeing you soon!